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 ====== Publications ====== ====== Publications ======
-[[http://​​doku.php/​bib:​bib_results?​do=edit&​rev=0 | Bibtex ]] 
-[publist|page:​bib:​bib_results|wiki:​file:​dokuwiki_fancy.tpl|group:​entrytype]+===== Journals =====
 +  - Essert C, Fernandez-Vidal S, Capobianco A, Haegelen C, Karachi C, Bardinet E, Marchal M, Jannin P. Statistical study of parameters for deep brain stimulation automatic preoperative planning of electrodes trajectories. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2015 Dec;​10(12):​1973-83
 +  - Tiziano D’Albis, Claire Haegelen, Caroline Essert, Sara Fernández-Vidal,​ Florent Lalys, Pierre Jannin (2014) PyDBS: An automated image-processing workflow for planning and postoperative assessment of deep brain stimulation. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 3 (2) pp. 117–128
 +  - Florent Lalys, Claire Haegelen, Pierre Jannin, Analysis of electrode deformations in Deep Brain Stimulation surgery, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2014, 9(1): 107-117.
 +  - Florent Lalys; Claire Haegelen; Mehri Maroua; Sophie Drapier; Marc Verin; Pierre Jannin, Anatomo-clinical atlases correlate clinical data and electrode contact coordinates:​ Application to subthalamic deep brain stimulation. J Neurosci Methods, 2013, 212 (2), pp. 297-307
 +  - Caroline Essert, Claire Haegelen, Florent Lalys, Alexandre Abadie, Pierre Jannin. Automatic computation of electrodes trajectories for Deep Brain Stimulation:​ a hybrid symbolic and numerical approach. In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS, IF 1.481), Springer, 7(4):​517-532,​ Aug. 2012. 
 +==== Clinical papers ====
 +  - Sauleau P, Drapier S, Duprez J, Houvenaghel JF, Dondaine T, Haegelen C, Drapier D, Jannin P, Robert G, Le Jeune F, Vérin M. Weight Gain following Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation:​ A PET Study. PLoS One. 2016 Apr 12;11(4)
 +  - Ory S, Le Jeune F, Haegelen C, Vicente S, Philippot P, Dondaine T, Jannin P, Drapier S, Drapier D, Sauleau P, Vérin M, Péron J. Pre-frontal-insular-cerebellar modifications correlate with disgust feeling blunting after subthalamic stimulation:​ A positron emission tomography study in Parkinson'​s disease. J Neuropsychol. 2015 Dec 16. doi: 10.1111/​jnp.12094
 +  - Houvenaghel JF, Le Jeune F, Dondaine T, Esquevin A, Robert GH, Péron J, Haegelen C, Drapier S, Jannin P, Lozachmeur C, Argaud S, Duprez J, Drapier D, Vérin M, Sauleau P.  Reduced Verbal Fluency following Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation:​ A Frontal-Related Cognitive Deficit? PLoS One. 2015 Oct 8;​10(10):​e0140083. doi: 10.1371/​journal.pone.0140083. eCollection 2015. PMID: 26448131
 +  - Langner-Lemercier S, Drapier S, Naudet F, Le Clanche N, Houvenaghel JF, Sauleau P, Jannin P, Haegelen C, Le Jeune F, Vérin M. Preoperative brain metabolism and quality of life after subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson'​s disease. J Neurol. 2015 PMID: 25634679
 +==== International Conferences ====
 +  - Hamzé, N., Bilger, A., Duriez, C., Cotin, S., & Essert, C. (2015, August). Anticipation of brain shift in deep brain stimulation automatic planning. In 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 3635-3638). IEEE.
 +  - Ana Beatriz Graciano Fouquier, Eric Bardinet, François Touvet, Stanley Durrleman, Jérôme Yelnik, Carine Karachi, Marie-Laure Welter, Sara Fernandez Vidal « Could Atlas-Based Preoperative Planning Simplify Electrophysiological Exploration During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery? » accepted at CARS 2015 (Barcelona)
 +  - Ana Beatriz Graciano Fouquier, Eric Bardinet, Marie-Laure Welter, Carine Karachi, Jérôme Yelnik, Sara Fernandez-Vidal,​ Stanley Durrleman « Assessment of an iconic-geometric nonlinear registration method for deep brain stimulation planning »  accepted at HBM 2015
 +  - Caroline Essert, Sara Fernandez-Vidal,​ Antonio Capobianco, Claire Haegelen, Carine Karachi, Eric Bardinet, Maud Marchal, Pierre Jannin (2015) Statistical Study of Parameters for Deep Brain Stimulation Automatic Pre-operative Planning of Electrodes Trajectories. Accepted in IPCAI 2015, to appear in June 2015. Barcelona, Spain
 +  - Tiziano D’Albis, Claire Haegelen, Caroline Essert, Sara Fernandez-Vidal,​ Florent Lalys, Pierre Jannin PyDBS: An automated image-processing workflow for planning and postoperative assessment of deep brain stimulation,​ International Conference of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), Fukuoka (Japan) June 2014 Best paper award
 +  - Olga Dergachyova,​ Yulong Zhao, Claire Haegelen, Pierre Jannin, Caroline Essert (2014) Automatic Pre-operative Planning of DBS Electrodes Placement using Anatomo-Clinical Atlases. In MICCAI 2014 Workshop on Deep Brain Stimulation Methodological Challenges-2nd edition. Boston, USA
 +  - Alexandre Bilger, Eric Bardinet, Sara Fernandez-Vidal,​ Christian Duriez, Pierre Jannin, Stephane Cotin (2014) Intra-operative Registration for Stereotactic Procedures driven by a combined Biomechanical Brain and CSF Model. In ISBMS-International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation. Strasbourg, France.
 +  - Alexandre Bilger, Eric Bardinet, Sara Fernandez-Vidal,​ Christian Duriez, Pierre Jannin, Stephane Cotin (2014) Intra-operative Registration for Deep Brain Stimulation Procedures based on a Full Physics Head Model. In MICCAI 2014 Workshop on Deep Brain Stimulation Methodological Challenges-2nd edition. Boston, USA.
 +  - Alexandre Bilger, Christian Duriez, Stephane Cotin (jan 2014) Computation and visualization of risk assessment in deep brain stimulation planning.. Studies in health technology and informatics 196 pp. 29–35.
 +  - Alexandre Bilger, Caroline Essert, Christian Duriez, Stéphane Cotin Brain-shift aware risk map for Deep Brain Stimulation Planning. In MICCAI 2012 Workshop on Deep Brain Stimulation Methodological Challenges
 +  - Caroline Essert, Maud Marchal, Sara Fernandez-Vidal,​ Tiziano D'​Albis,​ Eric Bardinet, Claire Haegelen, Marie-laure Welter, Jérôme Yelnik, Pierre Jannin Automatic Parameters Optimization for Deep Brain Stimulation Trajectory Planning. In MICCAI 2012 Workshop on Deep Brain Stimulation Methodological Challenges
 +  - Bilger, A., Jérémie Dequidt, Christian Duriez, Stéphane Cotin ; Biomechanical Simulation of Electrode Migration for Deep Brain Stimulation Alexandre Bilger, 14th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2011 6891/2011 (2011) 339-346 ​
 +==== Thèses de doctorat ====
 +  - Hamzé, N. (2016). (Doctoral dissertation,​ Université de Strasbourg).
 +  - Bilger, A. (2014). Patient-specific biomechanical simulation for deep brain stimulation (Doctoral dissertation,​ Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille).
 +==== Articles vulgarisation ====
 +  - Science et Santé, N° 4 SEPTEMBRE - OCTOBRE 2011
 +==== Conférences vulgarisation ====
 +  - Semaine de la science, Science tour INSERM, 03/10/14
pub.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/29 14:35 by pjannin